The Perils Of the Kenyan Cholera Outbreak

There are a lot of things people like us living in big progressive cities for granted such as clean water, an abundance of food, available healthcare services, etc. Meanwhile, people from other parts of the globe struggle to even have access to food, water, and other basic commodities. And as if the African drought and famine ravaging various parts of Africa right now aren’t enough to make the lives of millions of Africans miserable, there is now the bigger problem of cholera that they are now facing and is putting their health at grave risk.

Nairobi is hit by a cholera outbreak that has stripped all African food handlers their medical licenses. Over 300 cases of cholera have been reported over the last three months. Then, the problem about drug resistance has also surfaced making treatment doubly harder than it already is. Cholera is actually no longer new in the …

The Dangers Of Eating Fastfood

Modern living indulged us in various comforts we have grown accustomed to. Gone were the days when we made an effort in living. Today, we are merely existing (or perhaps more aptly subsisting). Aside from modern gadgets that keep us entertained 24/7, one of the things we have likewise sacrificed is a healthy meal. Eating healthy home-cooked dishes are often reserved for occasions and they are far in between. We now survive on fastfood, junks, sweets, preserved and canned foods that lack nutritional value and may even be dangerous to our health.

Can you imagine what the food you now eat does to your body if they are heavily laden with grease, sugar, or additives you are totally clueless of? And now, we are taken aback by how rampant cancer is when we no longer nourish our bodies but simply sustain it. And not only are most foods cancerous …

Childhood Obesity: The Threat Is Real

Obesity is old news. We have seen lots of people gaining weight over the years alongside the many advancements in technology we now enjoy. The premise here actually is that the more tech-savvy we are, the more prone to obesity and other health conditions we become. It is not difficult to see the correlation as most people lead a sedentary life nowadays but at the same time are hooked to their smart gadgets too. They are actually busy socializing on the web while forgetting to do their bodies a favor and to go out there and actually smell the flowers in bloom and interact with real people, not just on chat.

And as more adults continue this practice these days, it follows that their children will adopt the same attitude and habits too. After all, kids model what their parents do. Just look around you. There are fast food joints …