Childhood Obesity: The Threat Is Real

Obesity is old news. We have seen lots of people gaining weight over the years alongside the many advancements in technology we now enjoy. The premise here actually is that the more tech-savvy we are, the more prone to obesity and other health conditions we become. It is not difficult to see the correlation as most people lead a sedentary life nowadays but at the same time are hooked to their smart gadgets too. They are actually busy socializing on the web while forgetting to do their bodies a favor and to go out there and actually smell the flowers in bloom and interact with real people, not just on chat.

And as more adults continue this practice these days, it follows that their children will adopt the same attitude and habits too. After all, kids model what their parents do. Just look around you. There are fast food joints wherever you look and it is often always filled to the brim. People love eating junks, take-outs, greasy and artificial foods, canned goods, sweets, and flavored beverages that aren’t exactly good for our health. Hence, kids have access to sweets anytime they like because that’s what’s often found in their pantry, also because those are sold cheaper than organic food in the grocery. They likely also have their own gadgets and they have a WiFi connection at home, making for easy streaming and gaming for hours on end. Now, who has time for actual active play outdoors?

Plus size clothes are on sale on Britain‘s high streets for children as young as three, in what health campaigners say is a sign that childhood obesity has moved beyond epidemic proportions.

The comments come as it has emerged that high street retailer Next is selling a range of “plus fit” clothing for children aged between 3 and 16. 

Included in the range, which is for boys and girls, are a number of pairs of jeans and tracksuit bottoms designed for children with larger than average waists.

The retailer’s “age 3 plus fit” trousers have a waistband which is 5cm larger than a standard “age 3” waistband, at 58 cm compared to 53 cm. “Age 10 plus fit” trousers have a waistband of 69 cm in size, compared to a 64 cm measure on standard “age 10” trousers.


It is the reality of our times these days. Young kids become really fat and thus, unhealthy. Not only is their health put at risk but they have lower self-esteem as well because of their unappealing appearance. Bullies always pick on them and it affects their confidence when meeting or talking to other people. And while it is actually convenient and makes for easy shopping to have clothes at bigger sizes sold in the mall for parents with really obese children, it also normalizes the condition, making it look acceptable to be fat and unhealthy.

He said: “It’s absolute horror that we have overweight and obese children even as young as one.

“To me it’s no surprise that this sort of money is being spent by Lothian.

“I find it a horror because we have known for a long time that the initiation or the first seeds of obesity are implanted in the womb and we have done nothing about addressing that issue.

“So, it’s being going on for a long time and finally Lothian are having to spend a lot of money in treating something which is eminently preventable.”


Society should not just shrug off weight issues among children because unhealthy children will likely grow up to be unhealthy adults too. Better correct their bad habits now than let them keep on doing it until they become adults when it is almost impossible to correct. Parents are mainly responsible for their children’s health and well-being but since it has become a global pandemic nowadays, more agencies (both public and private) work hand in hand in saving young kids from the dangers of obesity while they still can. Chubby may look cute but there is a certain degree of chubbiness that makes you look like it. Leaning more on the heavier side, it’s already awful to look at and deadly too.

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